Growing up watching movies, television dramas, and cartoons, there was always a hero or main character that referred to his predicament as his “date with destiny” or “destiny’s call” or “fulfilling his destiny.” What does that mean? What is destiny?
Destiny can be defined as a divine decree,an inescapable fate, or an event that will happen to a person in the future.
Being a human being, makes you the crown of creation. You were created in the image of God. Saint Thomas Aquinas asserts,” Your soul is worth more than all of the created universe!” You have dignity because you are created in the image of God. Your “dignity and destiny are interconnected and interrelated.”(Spiritual Exercises-Oblates of the Virgin Mary p.2) Your destiny is to be united with God in the kingdom of God for all eternity. That being said, my blog is here to help you answer destiny’s call to be united with God here on earth in this life and into eternity by developing your relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Til next time…
God bless,